The Living Matrix is the waterway of conduction that flows through our bodies, plant bodies, animal bodies, and the earth’s body…….
Hands on Practice
Libby has had a hands on bodywork practice for 47 years. She has studied many types of bodywork including Deep Tissue, Craniosacral, and 5 element energetics. From her many years of listening, observing and touching the living body, she created Fascial Conduction, a hands on quality based work to enliven, complexify and balance the internal matrix in the Fascia.
Moving the Internal Matrix
This book is an inquiry into the dynamic consciousness of fascia. Separate from the Nervous System, Fascia can provide its own unique information to the organism via its moving structures and coherent vibrations. It is the structure where awareness abides and holds the unique signature wave of the organism.
Matrix Circles
The Matrix circles were formed to practice the work of enlivening the internal matrix with two to five practitioners working with one client. Through the coherence of the group, the collective living matrix is balanced as well as the client’s. The circles bring insight and new hands on skills to the participants.
Enter the fluid space of your internal FLOW matrix and discover a coherent communication network that connects you to the world inside and out.
Exploration from the book Moving the Internal Matrix
Finding your Fascial Matrix
Find a comfortable place to lie down on the floor and settle into your body. Focus your awareness inside your body. Imagine a webbing throughout your body, from under the skin around your organs and muscles and deep around your bones and spinal cord. Image them interconnected so with each impulse of movement the whole webbing responds.
Initiate a small gentle movement from your torso and follow that movement through the webbing. Continue to let go of trying to move your body and let it move itself internally. Try to feel, at a very subtle level, the movement of the fascial matrix under your skin as you glide the superficial sleeve of the fascia. Feel the sleeve move around other tissues. This requires a blend of sensitivity, intuition and imagination.
Imagine you can move inside your own body, and that you can literally see the matrix of fibers. Notice the webbing of collagen fibers around the solid forms, like a mesh bag that has a compartments filled with solid structures. Imagine you can enter this tissue microscopically and swim through the ground substance. Notice the viscosity of the fluid. Notice the different cells suspended in the fluid. find the fibroblast, nutrient, toxin, hormone, blood or nerve cell. Enter with your imagination into the micro-level of the collagen strands and notice the matrix of microfibril strands surrounded by water. Feel the movement within this like seaweed floating in water.
Imagine swimming in the waters between the microfibrils, like swimming in a mass of seaweed in the ocean. Go deeper into the body and notice the organization of the matrix with the fluid inside pulsing the signature wave throughout its network. Finally, bring your awareness back from the microscopic level of water and microfibrils to the webbing surrounding the organs, muscles and bonds, that connects to the webbing under the skin. Come out of the body and notice the sensations within. Gently open your eyes and notice how your felt sense of the body has changed.
To Heal, to be a healer
What does it mean to be healed, to be a healer, to be cured and made whole?
The word heal comes from the German meaning to make whole or to become sound. The word healer comes from the word used for Jesus, to be one who makes you whole. In this modern life of western medicine and alternative medicine, we have given over our sovereignty to make ourselves whole or to become the sounding frequency that we are and instead, let other practitioners do the work at righting the wrong, ripping out the offender or killing the enemy. We ask them to name the offender, find the aberrant seed of destruction and then to cast it out of the kingdom so we can go on with our status quo lives in a kingdom made out of the old collective data.
So in order for the big organism to evolve and respond to the shifting in the elements that nourish, sustain and grow it, the earth uses the mutation of elements to create chaos and disorder forcing a new order, and reshaping the collective data. As humans we fight these mutations as if we are separate from the changing world, as if we can stand in our righteousness and not be touched. We let our sensations and emotions, perception and beliefs hold us steady while the rest of the organism is rearranging itself to fit the new program.
So if we want to stay connected with the big organism and be rearranged to fit the new program, what kind of healing or healer is needed. What are the ways that draw us away from the polarity of good and evil and into the synthesis of all polarities.
The naming of traumas, mistakes and altercations from others creates the stuck polarity and activates the survival instinct. Therapists and somatic practitioners work with trauma, trying to heal the individual so they can relax their survival instincts. Some even work the collective aspect, But to work humanity and the ordering in the collective network itself is another place where healers need to work.
There are many thought patterns that lead us into polarity and hold us to the old collective views. By becoming aware of these and the collective that they come from, we can begin to dissolve them back into the past. We must first discard the assumptions that we keep about life that come from the old collective beliefs around survival. We must shift the chain reactions around threats. We must shift our relationship to death as a final and defining end. We must change our view of suffering as a punishment or as your cross to bear, as a judgement on who we are. We must dissolve our hierarchical views as well as the need for a certain kind of life, a certain kind of experience, a certain kind of success. This is the step that therapists and coaches, teachers and pastors begin to address. But the healer can be the guide to a new dynamic way of seeing the world.
But in order for individuals to live this, they must also give up their need to belong, their need to be seen, their need to be a part of the short human timeline. It is time to let go of the short human timeline, holding on until it is rendered, and lift the veil of the space/time restrictions. If we could know in our consciousness what our cells and bones know in their essence that we are just the dust of the timeless universe pulled up through the collective into being. If we could live through the vision of the continuous flow of the universe, being just a tiny seed in its midst, we would create a new world that is seen through the elements that draw it together, a world that is a rhythmic orchestra of sound wave, a continuous dance of relationship where nothing gets separated out, divided or controlled.
So to bring the human world into this place of creation, to set the creation into this form is what a healer can be in service to. First, the healer must strive to do this in their life. The healer must live the dissolve and the flow, experiencing the elements interacting. Then to choose the medium that will enable this shift to happen in individuals. To give over the need to fix, repair, succeed or enable the status quo of health, wellbeing and wholeness letting the practitioners wanting that kind of success in their work, frees up the healer to go into the roots of the collective drives and begin to reroot them in the soil of the bigger organism. What we give voice to, language to and belief to determines what we create. So by shifting our belief and then creation, belief and then experience, belief and the collective soup, we begin to redirect those lines, incorporating ancient lines so new lines can shift the directions of this timeline.
So how do you do this work as a healer and what does it entail. Do we work on the individual level, the collective level, to that which comes our way, seek out through marketing the ones who want to be dissolved of their modern human directives, or work only in the energetic, unseen world. How do we use language, storytelling, sound, touch, visionary work to move these places that are insidious in the human matrix. Do we work directly with the things in the way or do we just work the new energies into the old. Do we call to the unseen beings, or be servants to them. Do we reroute the matrix connections. Do we complexify the matrix connections. Do we work at the intersections to create a new meeting place for the new energies to settle. I want to use sound and storytelling, language and touch to continue to clear the way to the intersections, expanding the space between the pathways, creating new pathways and new directions to move through the intersection. There are many realms that can be used to shift the way of the healer. I have written about nine realms that a healer can work in to clarify the work at hand.
Here are nine realms a healer can work in. Healers are diverse and most work in a number of these realms. Which ones are you using, familiar with, reengaging with or learning about?
Nine realms a healer can work in:
All of the realms where healing is asked for in the organism in order to grow and change and emerge in to the forwarding world are needed. However, the collective history continues to pull up the one that enforces the predominance of the ego mind, holding healing and healers in a control position that makes sure the cycle continues. A good business model, healing becomes the silencer of all that is waiting to arise and transform, repeating the same symptom to relief cycles of a lifetime, securing the need for the healer in this realm.
SYMPTOM BASED HEALERS: The first realm which western medicine and most alternative modalities have reorganized to, comes from the return client business model. While claiming to help people‘s wellbeing and health, they really just create diseases to treat and then work hard to eliminate them. They take physical symptoms and externalize them, name them and then set the course of eradicating them. There is another flow that has another plan to bring transformation into the organism. It brings these new sensations, new diseases or symptoms for the organism to work with. This the cycle of disease and cure requires the services of the medical professional. So the healers who work at this level, many not seeing the shadow side of their healing, go straight to the physical sensations and symptoms, look to the specific place where the sensations are occurring, and use their skills to draw out the problem or source of the sensation. Pain becomes the main currency and the main indicator of success or failure. The patient becomes obsessed with the pain barometer and is dependent upon the healthcare provided in order to assuage the pain. This method of healing is useful in the acute phases of pain and discomfort as the first indicator of what kind of transformation is needed. It helps to calm the mind and reduce the overwhelming sensations, so that a person can prepare for what is truly being asked of them. However, over longer time periods, it stifles the patient’s ability to evolve and grow, to follow the path their individual organism has created. It denies the intelligence of the organism and the fractal implications of the physical configuration that can shift the collective pool and what is arising in it. This first realm is where we have held healing and healers for many generations, all based on science, objectivity and the false sense of what a life well lived actually is. The scientific western model has held our evolution back, by reducing the organism to the physical realm of the world and elevating the tricks of the mind.
TRAUMA BASED HEALERS The second realm in which healing and healers work is specific to the way the organism is wired to survive. This realm of healing is based on the belief that trauma in all its forms is what separates us from a healthy vibrant life. This trauma is what creates disease and all the dysfunctions of the organism. This trauma is in the collective and in the DNA lines of our blood. The collective holds the traumas and each person who clears and heals those traumas is helping the collective trauma. Whether somatic practitioners, psychotherapist or psychiatrist, these healers are helping to recognize the ways in which the organism is disconnected and the suffering we create for others. These healers are important to the organism as they recognize the ways behavior, actions and beliefs affect our wellbeing. They bring into focus the cruelty and violence the organism faces every day. However, these techniques and models over time continue to pull up the collective forms of trauma, keeping them in the foreground. And the transformation for the whole organism is held in check by the repetition of the need for external validation, external holding of the experience and the attachment to the protector, validator and savior. This realm is very predominant in the alternative models, and can bring up the recognition of the dissonance in the organism. It help individuals to bring forth into their conscious mind what they have created as their reality scenario, which is a compilation of lots of images, experiences and collective stories. It helps to bring people into their vulnerability and weakness, and draw on the courage and strength to survive and stay alive in the world.
ENLIVENING AND INTEGRATING HEALERS The third realm of healers is interested in the aliveness of the organism. Knowing how the organism is an integrated, interconnected matrix of information and function, the integrating healer looks to bring the systems back into alignment with each other and enhance the energetic potency in the channels that connect the organism to itself and to the environment and the cosmos. These healers use traditional methods of energy activation, sound vibration movement exploration and directly reconnecting the matrix in order to give the body the potency, vitality and adaptability it needs to navigate the environment it is in. These healers also work the field around the patient, bringing the flow of relationship into balance in the outer world.
BRIDGE HEALERS BETWEEN SEEN AND UNSEEN WORLDS The fourth realm of healers opens the relationships with the unseen beings, including ancestral lines, archetypes, elementals, and informing channels. They use the bridge between different realms where the energy is organized into form that influences the collective of humans. The skills of listening, using the felt sense, trance states, opening to downloads, and using the imagination give the healer a matrix of information that can shift the perception, energy organization and understanding of the patient. These healers live in this altered world, letting other realms bring instruction and threads from other realities. These healers can use the quantum world to work at a distance as well as using hands on, sounding, meditation, journeying and internal active imagination.
HEALERS OF THE COLLECTIVE The fifth realm of healers works with the collective field where all of human history is stored. They use ancestral, cultural, gender and race field relationships to change the fixed paradigms of humanity. They work with vertical time to connect with the individual and the lines that are held in the collective matrix. Their work involves ritual, place specific healings, direct hands on, sounding, language, guided imagery and includes relating to all beings that are involved. These healers also work directly with the collective field, finding inertial patterns, repetitive timeline channels and foreground fields within the collective that are influencing the direction the living organism is moving. Clearing fields within the collective, redirecting old outdated lines, shifting foreground and background fields and pulling up untapped fields in the collective are where these healers concentrate their energy with prayer, energetic reconfiguring, vortex reshaping and creating alliances with the cosmic fields.
EARTH HEALERS The sixth realm of healers works directly with the earth’s EMF field, various currents and dynamics in the elements that combine to create all the living things on the earth. Earth healers work with the plant and animal kingdoms creating balance and information exchange between them. Earth healers also work with the tectonic plates to ease the tensions and keep the reciprocal tensions strong. They also work under the mantle in the plasma at the core of the earth, bringing up new potencies, new materials to work with, and work with the dynamic of the magnetic and electrical forces. Earth healers use tuning forks and other sound mediums, dowsing rods, potentized gemstones, water and fire in their healings. Earth healers wander the earth as nomads, getting their cues and clues from walking on the earth in wild places where the directions are clear and the songlines are intact. Earth healers are interested in creating a dynamic vital relationship between the elements, the elementals and the living beings that live in and on the earth.
BIG ORGANISM HEALERS The seventh realm of healers works with the relationships of the big organism which includes all of the known and unknown worlds in the universe we live in. They use the microcosm of an individual part of the organism, to heal the macrocosm of the universe. These healers are continuously using hands on, sound, ritual or relationship to reunite parts of the organism back into the whole. They hold to the unified principle and work to unify all fields into the fullness and wholeness of the universe. Their work is done 24/7 many times being called to witness, exchange or dissolve a part of the field in order for it to be reconnected in a new way. They are asked to travel both in time and out of time to be the consciousness witnessing the big organism at work. They use all healing efforts, whether with an individual, group, species, elements, or energetic fields to infuse into the healing processes of the big organism. Their world is experienced through the unified field of the big organism, recognizing inertial patterns in the field and reconnecting those fields.
INTERSPECIES HEALERS The eighth realm of healers works with the intertwining of the energetic and magnetic structures of the different species and their different genders that inhabit the earth. This includes the collective of species that has been on the earth since the beginning of the organized water to contain them and the beings from other realms who come to connect and shift the species who are already here. These healers work at the level of the DNA and the dynamic organized water of earth. They are called into play at times when great shifts in the big organism are required. They use the elements of the earth, sound frequency and places on the earth to open up vortices and recode structures so evolution can happen on a global immediate timing. They go into the earth and find the waters that need to arise and hold the opening for the chemical, mineral, fluid and airborne recoding to happen.
TRANSFORMATIONAL EVOLUTIONARY HEALERS The ninth realm of healers works with the transformation and evolutionary drives of the organism. They work with all beings, seen and unseen, from this planet and others to activate and enhance the flow of evolution in the universe. They work in the space between where the new dimensions of potential are held as well as in the plasma in the earth and in the space around the solar system. A piece of their work is in the transformation of perception and orientation of the individual, the collective and the planetary bodies. Their work is of a fractal nature and they work to ripple the evolutionary drive into action as the world shifts.
What do you know about each of these realms that can be used for healing?
What other realms would you include?
Many of these realms are strong and many beings are working with them. Some of the realms are more quiet and subtle, not recognized in the day to day world.
Hope you can have curiosity and inquiry in realms you are not familiar with or are attracted to and begin to engage in a wider array of healing realms.
Libby Outlaw